Wednesday 9 January 2013

One Night Only pictures


Lead Singer and Guitarist Interview.

If you haven't heard 'Just For Tonight', the second single from Yorkshire five-piece One Night Only, you can't have switched on your radio recently. After gaining more exposure than a serial flasher's naughty bits, this anthemic indie-pop song, which also serves as the theme tune to E4 teen drama Nearly Famous, is poised to storm the top ten on Sunday. But who exactly are One Night Only? George Craig, the band's affable frontman, has the decency to explain.

How did One Night Only form?
"We formed back in 2003, actually. We all grew up in the same area and went to school together. I was actually a late addition to the band - I met the rest of the guys through the drummer's brother. I was always going up to their house and watching them play, and eventually I just became the lead singer and lead guitarist."

Is it true you started as a Beatles cover band?
"There's a slight truth to that. We used to play a couple of Beatles songs, but people have really latched onto it and started calling us a 'Beatles cover band'. It's all gone a bit over the top, because we used to do a huge mix of covers - modern guitar music, chart hits, a bit of everything."

Who are your influences?
"Again, a bit of everything. I don't just like recent stuff, but old stuff too. David Bowie, Bob Dylan, the Killers and Arcade Fire are some of the main ones."

Where did the band's name come from?
"It came from our first gig, because we didn't have a name and it was, as always, 'For One Night Only'. It just kinda stuck."

Your new single, 'Just For Tonight', is heading for a very respectable chart position on Sunday. What's it all about?
"It's inspired by a weekend we spent recording a demo by this huge power station. There was this big power surge that, at night, just looked totally insane - it looked like a big light display! We really wanted to put that huge, powerful vibe into a really anthemic song, and 'Just For Tonight' was the result."

So next time you want to write an anthem, you'll know where to go...
"Haha! I guess so, yeah. The bigger the surge, the better for us."

The song was used as the theme toNearly Famous, a teen drama series shown on E4 last year. How did that come about?
"I think one of the directors had come across the song and instantly said: 'I wanna use this'. I'm pretty cool with it, you know. The song seems to suit the show."

Is your album full of songs like 'Just For Tonight'?
"It's quite diverse, and there's a lot of progression as the album plays through - the songs get bolder and bigger. It's not just full of pop songs like the first two singles - there's a lot of different flavours in there. People will be surprised, but not in a bad way. They'll be glad that it doesn't all sound like 'Just For Tonight'."

Where do your lyrics come from? What are you inspired by?
"I try to tell stories from my life, really. I like my lyrics to be as real as possible. I have a little book that I keep on me, and I try to keep everything logged, so it all just comes out when it wants to, I suppose."

You've just started a five-week UK tour. How's it going?
"It's starting to sell out quite rapidly now, actually. We're really excited to be doing our own shows, because we've got an amazing fan-base now. We're even more excited than the fans!"

What sort of a person is a One Night Only fan, do you think?
"From what we've seen at the shows so far, it's probably about 50% teenage girls. There are boys too, and also a few couples. I think our music's really appealing to a whole range of audiences."

Has your dressing room been invaded yet?
"Not as yet, no. I'm sure it's coming though - we're going to need better security on this tour!"

What's the atmosphere like on the One Night Only tour bus?
"It's great, 'cause we're all best mates and it's not often you find a band that can get along with each other all day long. Because the band grew so organically, that's the way it's always been. We're all on the same wavelength so there's a really happy atmosphere."

Do you think that will continue as you spend more and more time together?
"Actually, the more we've toured together, the more we've bonded and stuff. We've also got a lot more ambitious, so we're really excited about the future. Watch this space!"

One Night Only, Singer & Guitarist.

Saturday 26th January saw a band, tipped by many for greatness this year, playing Norwich Arts Centre. One Night Only are a five piece from North Yorkshire who have the tunes and ability to back up their belief, all honed into that classic British ability to write a sparkling indie pop rock tune. Having already supported the Pigeon Detectives at a sell out Waterfront show, this is Norwich’s first chance to catch them headlining. Outline had a chat with singer guitarist George Craig on the eve of the release of “Just for Tonight”, a three minute anthem in the waiting to introduce you to your next favourite band.
So a few people may not have heard of One Night Only; can you fill us in on your background?
I was always into music growing up through my Dad’s record collection and just hearing music everywhere. But the touchstone for myself being here was my purchase of my first album; the Libertines’ debut, a record that I think is extremely important to a lot of my age group. You can see it in the indie band boom that happened after its release. It really led me to want to perform. That’s not saying it’s my main influence I’m as equally inspired by Elton John and Prince, who have an ability to knock out a good tune or two. The rest of the band were older than me at the same school and they indicated that they wanted me to be their singer.
When I joined, the band was at the jamming stage playing covers as a four piece - this was early in 2003. At that point the band was drummer Sam Ford, bassist, Dan Parkin, rhythm guitarist Mark Hayton and a lead guitarist who I kind of persuaded them to get rid off and get me in on vocals and guitar because I just didn’t want to be a front man and be jumping around. So we packed in doing covers and I started writing some tunes and set down to solid hard work in practising and perfecting the songs. Finally in 2004 we got Jack Sails to join on keyboards which fairly much perfected the sound we wanted.
So with all the bits of the jigsaw in place we set about playing small gigs around the country via the joys of a Vauxhall Corsa and then a Renault Clio ( please note not the estate versions).  Not the most comfortable or practical way to tour but we somehow managed packing all five of us and the equipment in.
This is tells us the basics about the Band for people who haven't heard of them, it tells us about one of the members. They aim their music towards people of their own age group so they know exactly what they like and can get research easy. Tells us how he inspired his group with old singers and bands. He was the last in but he is just as important. He replaced someone and persuaded the group to get rid of lead guitarist. Over all a genuine answer to the question asked.

One Night Only Interview, portrait magazine.

Okay so who makes up the band? 
The singer is George Craig, he’s 17, he also plays guitar.
I’m Mark, I’m the lead guitarist and I’m 20.
The bassist is 20 and he’s called Dan.
The drummer is 19 and he’s called Sam.
The keyboard player is Jack and he’s 18.
How did you guys meet? 
We went to school together. We were in different year groups but essentially we were in the same school.
So how did you come up with the name “One Night Only”? 
The first show that we did, we didn’t have a name so we thought it would be a one off show, so we said for One Night Only. And it just stuck since then.
What type of music would you classify yourselves as? 
Modern indie with rock. Especially live when you see us, we’re pretty rock. It’s more intense. The CD’s quite indie with some pop but live it’s more rock…a bit more of an edge to it.
Why should people listen to your music? 
I think it’s quite refreshing. There are a lot of indie bands coming out at the moment but I don’t think anyone sounds like us. Especially at our live shows. I think we’re one of the best live newcomers currently. We’re just different.
Do you think people can relate to your music? 
I think so, definitely. People seem to be anyway.
Who writes the songs? 
It’s a bit of a mixture. The singer [George] writes quite a few on his own, Jack has written a couple and the rest we write as a band.
What inspires the songs? 
It’s usually every day life and things we’ve been doing.
So who’s You And Me about? 
The keyboard player wrote that about his ex-girlfriend. It’s a love story. Just For Tonight was one written by the whole band. It depends what happens.
Who are your musical influences? 
From early days stuff like Beatles, a lot of 80’s stuff, bands like Oasis, The Killers etc. A large variety! Oh and George is obsessed with Prince.
What was your first gig like? 
It was a long time ago! We’ve been together for 5 years! We sounded a lot different back then. Everyone loved it so we decided to continue playing.
Have you ever messed up on stage? 
Not really…sometimes I play the occasional wrong note but I don’t think people notice. George once fell over the monitors.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years? 
We’ll put another album out, and hopefully be touring the world. So two massive albums and touring the world!
So you’re currently on tour. What’s your tour bus like? 
It’s quite good because we’ve got quite a big crew, but it’s pretty cool. Travelling the country with our best mates.
Don’t you get sick of each other? 
Nah not really. As soon as you get to the venue, you can go off on your own and be alone for a while if you want. We just generally get on really well.
Have you ever had any crazy fan moments? 
Not really…we’ve had quite a few fanatical fans. Like once we were doing this signing at a music store and there were fans that had slept outside the store the night before just to make sure they got in. It’s a bit weird when things like that happen but it’s pretty cool.
Has the whole fame thing felt a bit weird or are you enjoying it? 
We don’t really see ourselves as famous. We have a long road ahead of us yet. We’re just trying to take things to the next level.
So why music? Why choose music as a career? 
I’m not sure. We all loved music early on and we thought why not doing it ourselves? We never intended on doing it as a career. We were just playing at night times and it developed into this. It’s amazing to be able to turn your hobby into a full time job.
Say a line from any song you guys have written that describes how you feel right now. 
Since it’s really sunny right now, “I want to go out and waste some time in the sunshine”
Where can people buy your CD from? 
It’s out in the UK, in a few European countries and iTunes. It will be out everywhere this summer.
And now it’s time for the random questions!
Describe yourself and the other members of the band with one word each. 
George- Eccentric
Dan- Quiet
Sam- Sarcastic
Jack- Musical
Mark- Funny [and modest obviously]
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 
Oh I once went canoeing down some stairs in a kayak that we found! That was whilst we were on tour actually.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
Thailand because I’m really into Thai food! Anywhere really hot!
Tell me a random fact about you. 
My mum and dad used to be musicians in a country and Western act.
Who’s the messiest on the tour bus? 
It’s not a member of the band! It’s the drum tech guy! On a tour bus there are bunk beds that look like little boxes. They’re quite nice to sleep in. There’s a place elsewhere on the bus but he decides to keep his bags and all his clothes and possessions on his bed. It’s just full of everything and he somehow manages to sleep in there! We don’t know how he does it! But at least it’s not all over the floor…
Who’s the wildest? 
Sam the drummer.
Who’s the funniest? 
Definitely Dan [the bass player]. He’s quiet and he has his hilarious moments.
Who misses his mum the most? 
We all do but probably George.

Florence and the Machine

   Grey. Also some other bland colors such as washed out purple, yellow and green. 
   Image of main vocal person in the group.
   Links to their pages on social networking sites. 
   Important information about the bands plans and agenda. 
   Title of the band in their specific font of the band. 
   Genre would be : indie rock, indie pop, baroque pop, neo soul and art rock. 

main page tabs on the site such as;
-sign up
   plain earthly colors in gallery images for her indie rock clothing style and look. 
   the sign up page gets the audience to feel involved and receive updates about the band. 
   the videos, gallery, about and news page give new and old audience an insight in to what the band are all about and what kind of music they create and what kind of things they do and what they are like as people and even about the background of the artists. 
members and store pages get the audience of the site involved by allowing them to become a part of the site and also to enable them to buy things that have been designed by the band. 

The Arctic Monkeys.

main page tabs;



- gigs --> dates&venues


-fans forum
-sign up
their genre would be : indie rock, post punk revival, garage rock and psychedelic rock.  

   the front page has a video of the band playing live and important news articles about the band also some gig information and some social networking links. 
   the colours used are all black and white in block color, so there is no grey or any other colours.  
   the typography is in sans serif, which shows the modern theme to the band gelling with the classic theme of black and white only. 
   title is bold and slightly slanted to show the fun side to the band and also shows their originality in the font as it is different to any other font on other bands sites. 

pages such as sign up and fans forum are there to get the fans involved which shows that the band also care a lot about their fans which is what the audience want to see and be able to get involved with.