Tuesday 8 January 2013


Band Name: News for Lisa

Genre: Indie rock

Other similar bands: oasis, white stripes, enemy, reverend and the makers and one night only.

CD title: Downfall of Lisa

Tour Name: When the world ends.

Magazines: NME, Q and Mix Mag.

Colours of the genre: black area, block colours. Most of these are these colours some contain red.

Basic image: Instruments, Hats, loose top usually white, braces, tight jeans and old vintage blazers.

Video venue: Hylands Park, London, local town and beaches.

Band image:
·      Retro- old/new vintage, indie style.
·      Quite bland colours- very black, white, grey and brown sometimes colour which is normally red.
·      Hats, scarfs, baggy tops, skinny jeans and braces.

How we found our band name: we chose our band name due to controversy in the news, we then couldn’t decide how to end it, so we typed in news to Google and got a tour name. We Google several things and what caught our eyes was a book called ‘news for all the people’ but we wanted to name it more personal after a name elimination we got the name Lisa.

The Band image: beyondretro.com
Overall style: retro, old/new, vintage. Often knitted clothing. Glasses with a black thick frame.

Arctic monkeys- www.arcticmonkeys.com
                        You can use these tabs-
                                                            Fans forum
                                                            Sign up
                        You can get involved with the band members
                        Store: you can buy merchandise

Front page has got a video of the band playing one of their songs and has important news articles, dates and venues of gigs.

Colours used on this site is black and white block colours, typography sans serif shows modern with a classic black and white.

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