Wednesday 9 January 2013

One Night Only, Singer & Guitarist.

Saturday 26th January saw a band, tipped by many for greatness this year, playing Norwich Arts Centre. One Night Only are a five piece from North Yorkshire who have the tunes and ability to back up their belief, all honed into that classic British ability to write a sparkling indie pop rock tune. Having already supported the Pigeon Detectives at a sell out Waterfront show, this is Norwich’s first chance to catch them headlining. Outline had a chat with singer guitarist George Craig on the eve of the release of “Just for Tonight”, a three minute anthem in the waiting to introduce you to your next favourite band.
So a few people may not have heard of One Night Only; can you fill us in on your background?
I was always into music growing up through my Dad’s record collection and just hearing music everywhere. But the touchstone for myself being here was my purchase of my first album; the Libertines’ debut, a record that I think is extremely important to a lot of my age group. You can see it in the indie band boom that happened after its release. It really led me to want to perform. That’s not saying it’s my main influence I’m as equally inspired by Elton John and Prince, who have an ability to knock out a good tune or two. The rest of the band were older than me at the same school and they indicated that they wanted me to be their singer.
When I joined, the band was at the jamming stage playing covers as a four piece - this was early in 2003. At that point the band was drummer Sam Ford, bassist, Dan Parkin, rhythm guitarist Mark Hayton and a lead guitarist who I kind of persuaded them to get rid off and get me in on vocals and guitar because I just didn’t want to be a front man and be jumping around. So we packed in doing covers and I started writing some tunes and set down to solid hard work in practising and perfecting the songs. Finally in 2004 we got Jack Sails to join on keyboards which fairly much perfected the sound we wanted.
So with all the bits of the jigsaw in place we set about playing small gigs around the country via the joys of a Vauxhall Corsa and then a Renault Clio ( please note not the estate versions).  Not the most comfortable or practical way to tour but we somehow managed packing all five of us and the equipment in.
This is tells us the basics about the Band for people who haven't heard of them, it tells us about one of the members. They aim their music towards people of their own age group so they know exactly what they like and can get research easy. Tells us how he inspired his group with old singers and bands. He was the last in but he is just as important. He replaced someone and persuaded the group to get rid of lead guitarist. Over all a genuine answer to the question asked.

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